
Seminar | The Industrial Technology Innovation and International Cooperation Program Conference of the SJTU-UNIDO Joint Institute of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development held in Wuzhen









On theoccasion of the "2020 2nd Global Industrial Internet Conference", inorder to further promote the implementation of industrial technology innovationand international cooperation (World Industrial Innovative TechnologyCooperations, WiiTs) initiative, promote the global application of sustainabletechnology, the ITPO Shanghai of United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganized(UNIDO),School of International and Public Affairs of SJTU, and ISID JointedInstitute of SJTU co-organized UNIDO Night: WiiTs Workshop & the FirstPlenary of WiiTs National Advisory Group on September 18 in Wuzhen, Tongxiang,Zhejiang.

WiiTs initiative was jointly initiated by UNIDOITPO Shanghai and Shanghai Jiao Tong University during the 2020 WorldArtificial Intelligence Conference. It aims to collaborate with globalindustrial technology innovators, industrial manufacturers, productglobalization users, and finance Service providers and technical partnersjointly create an ecosystem of industrial technology innovation andinternational cooperation to promote technological innovation and inclusive andsustainable industrial development.Zhou Cheng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity, delivered the opening remark as below. “At present, the global newtechnology revolution and industrial transformation are accelerating. As aglobal science and innovation center, Shanghai must seize the opportunities ofthe new round of technology revolution and industrial transformation. Toachieve a leap to the forefront of world science and technology. For a longtime, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has not forgotten the original intention ofserving the major needs of the country, keeping in mind the mission of"promoting the major national strategy", relying on the scientificand technology innovation base to produce many scientific and technologicalinnovation achievements, and implementing innovation for the country It hasprovided important support and made important contributions to drivingdevelopment strategies and building a strong country in science and technology.The ISID Jointed Institute of SJTU forms the close cooperation model betweenSJTU and UNIDO, actively promotes the transformation of industrial green growthand the construction of eco-industrial parks in the Yangtze River Delta toachieve regional coordinated development. From technology research and development,technology empowerment, industrial optimization, global linkage, to sustainabledevelopment, form global industrial technology cooperation and the closed-loopupgrade of industrial innovation has deeply empowered China to become adominant force in the new round of global technological innovation."ZhouYiping, Dean of the International Silk Road Academy of Shanghai Academy ofSocial Sciences, former UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for South-SouthCooperation, and Director of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation,emphasized in his speech: "This year marks the 75th anniversary of thefounding of the United Nations. Three days ago, UN Secretary-General AntonioGuterres issued the warnings to the world: World Health Warning, WorldHunger Warning, Global Energy Warning, Global Unemployment Warning, Global Outof School Warning, Global Ecological Warning. In the face of severe globalconditions, we need global unity, joint efforts, and cooperation. The countriesand people in the area where the alarm sounds urgently need infrastructureinvestment and technology transfer in the fields of transportation, irrigation,energy, health, education, and communications. To this end, we need toestablish a new type of partnership to stimulate new technologies andinnovative capabilities. Leveraging trillions of dollars in market resources tobuild a fair, open, and non-profit industrial technology innovation andtechnology transfer cooperation platform. I really appreciated and happy to jointhe WiiTs Initiatives and platform jointed launched by UNIDO and SJTU."As thefirst plenary after the WiiTs initiative was initiated, WiiTs Workshop (closeddoor) held the "WiiTs website launching ceremony", " FirstPlenary of WiiTs National Advisory Group" and "Global Technology CooperationDuring Digital Era" marked the entry into the implementation stage of thesustainable technology global cooperation plan based on WiiTs.

It’s unforgettableand grateful that three oversea WiiTs National Advisers joined WiiTs Workshoponline, including Marcel Dridje from France (Sophia Business Angels PresidentEmeritus, EBAN Board Member) ,Karl Östen Ekengren from Sweden (Chairmanof Stockholm Clean Tech,Vice President of IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute) and HelenWANG from UK (CEO of BGTA International Accelerator, Cambridge InnovativeAcademy). The First Plenary of WiiTs National Advisory Group was presided over byHuang Feng, the first chairman of the WiiTs National Advisory Group and Chairmanof the Shanghai Foreign Investment Association. During the plenary, the charterof  WiiTs National Advisory Group was unanimously approved, the responsibilities, & obligations of WiiTsNational Adviser wad clarified and the related conveners who recommended by HuangFeng were consent by all participants. In addition, 36 experts from the government,academic research and business circles conducted in-depth discussions on thetrends, characteristics, and bottlenecks of global technological cooperationand innovative applications, and provided suggestions for the implementationand future planning of the WiiTs initiative. Xiong Meng, Secretary of the Party Committee, Executive Vice Presidentand Secretary-General of the China Federation of Industrial Economics, pointedout in the summary of the meeting: innovative models, innovative technologies,innovative subjects, and innovative projects are important components of theinnovation ecosystem, and joint efforts from multiple directions will promoteThe overall upgrading and coordinated development of China's industry. The era of global technological governance has come, and thetechnological layout of various countries is increasingly dominated bytechnology innovation. The global epidemic is also accelerating the pace ofdigital transformation. Facing the new normal in the post-epidemic era, theWiiTs initiative will lay a solid foundation for empowering global industrialtechnology cooperation, to contribute to global inclusive and sustainableeconomic recovery and development, and to achieve inclusiveness in thepost-epidemic era Economic recovery, green economic recovery and innovativeeconomic recovery inject new energy. In the future, the construction of theWiiTs platform will revolve around the principles of global cooperation,cross-industry cooperation, collaborative innovation cooperation, andtechnology-oriented cooperation. Under the development of the United Nations2030 Sustainable Goals, a unique global cooperation platform will beestablished.You are welome to join in WiiTs by register on line with the link of