
The Joint Institute of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development successfully held the Research Cooperation Seminar and Work Meeting for Spring 2020


On the afternoon of July 7, the Joint Institute of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development held a scientific research cooperation seminar and 2020 spring work conference. The meeting was held in Conference Room 239 of the New Building of Xuhui Campus. Zhao Changying, Dean of China-UK Low Carbon College, Yin Haitao, Deputy Dean of Antai College of Economics and Management attended the meeting online, and related researchers from Antai College of Economics and Management, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, China-UK Low Carbon College and Nanjing Normal University attended offline. The meeting was chaired by Geng Yong, Vice Dean of School of International and Public Affairs, Dean of School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Director of SJTU-UNIDO Joint Institute of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development.

Zhao Changying, Dean of China-UK Low Carbon College, gave an opening speech. He said that the Chinese government has attached great importance to green and low-carbon development in recent years,, and "green, low-carbon and circular development has become a common goal of mankind". In response to the needs of social and economic development, we should further unite the scientific resources of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and make every effort to promote high-quality scientific research work on green development, circular development, and low-carbon development. In the low-carbon green field, we should establish close interdisciplinary cooperation and increasingly support for the team; at the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in the construction of disciplines and cultivate high-level talents.

During the meeting, Liu Chunde, Yu Haishan and Zhang Yuquan of China-UK Low Carbon College reported on the research work on climate change and building thermal environment, carbon market, clean development mechanism and enterprise innovation, sectoral implied pollution and optimization modeling. Dong Huijuan and Liu Jingyu from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, and Wu Rui from Nanjing Normal University reported their recent research work respectively.

Wei Wendong, associate professor, Tian Xu, associate researcher of the joint institute, and Song Xiaoqian, full-time research scientist of China Institute of Urban Governance reported their research work on power system ranking and policy research, hidden resources and ranking of international trade, and green transformation of resource-based cities.

Then, Yin Haitao commented on the above reports one by one from the aspects of professional development trend, international situation, research methods, data sources and analysis, and establishment of joint research.

Geng Yong finally concluded that scientific research should be time-sensitive and closely follow the international situation and social needs. The joint team has absolute scientific research advantages, which can help to examine problems from multiple perspectives and continuously optimize and improve research methods. In the future, an in-depth research system should be formed across disciplines and fields. He arranged and divided future research work from various aspects, such as the collaborative research on economic green transformation, the impact of import and export trade on economic green and low-carbon transformation.

Qiu Yue, director of the office of the Institute, and others attended the working meeting.