
Professor Geng Yong of Shanghai Jiao Tong University published an article in Nature proposing a global solution for circular economy

On January 10, 2019, Professor Geng Yong, Dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering and Director of the SJTU-UNIDO Joint Institute of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, together with Joseph Sarkis, Professor of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Raimund Bleischwitz, Professor at University College London, published their research results related to policy recommendations on the globalization of the circular economy “How to globalize the circular economy” in Nature, a top international journal. This is a cutting-edge research by Chinese scholars focusing on the globalization of circular economy, and is the first policy article funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s (NSFC) Department of Management, in which both the first and corresponding authors are the same scholar from mainland China.