
Professor Geng Yong was invited to be the lead author of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) and participated in the first author workshop


The first meeting of the lead authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group III report was held in Edinburgh, UK, from April 1-6, 2019. The meeting discussed and finalized the specific preparation of each chapter of the AR6 report. The meeting was led by the IPCC Working Group 3 and hosted by the Scottish Government. Nearly 300 experts from the Scottish Government, the IPCC Bureau and those involved in the preparation of the AR6 Working Group 3 report attended the meeting.

Professor Geng Yong was invited as the lead author of the Working Group III to participate in the first author workshop, and was responsible for Chapter 11 of Working Group III. Being selected as the IPCC lead author is of great significance to China's work on climate change and helps to enhance China's international influence in the field of climate change science. On March 13-16, 2018, the 47th IPCC Bureau meeting was held in Paris, France. According to the results of the deliberations, 707 authors were selected for the Sixth Assessment Report, including 37 Chinese authors; among which 226 authors were selected by Working Group III, including 8 Chinese lead authors and 2 lead author coordinators.