黄 峰
Chairman of Shanghai Association of Foreign Investment;
Former Deputy Chairman of the Shanghai Commission of Commerce
Former Director General of the Department of Foreign Investment
Administration, Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
黄峰先生自1996年加入上海市外国投资工作委员会,2002年至2010年担任上海 市外经贸委外资综合处副处长、上海市外经贸委项目管理处副处长、上海市商务 委员会外国投资管理处处长,2010年6月至2011年7月担任上海市商务委员会副 主任,2011年8月至2016年3月担任国家商务部外国投资管理司副司长。2019年 5月,黄峰当选为上海市外商投资协会会长,是协会成立以来的第六位会长。
黄峰先生还是上海市人民对外友好协会理事,上海市国际股权投资基金协会副理 事长,上海财经大学商学院客座教授。黄峰先生1992年本科毕业于上海财经大 学世界经济系,1998年在复旦大学和2003年在英国伦敦政治经济学院分别取得 经济学硕士、管理学硕士学位。
In 1996, Mr. HUANG Feng joined the Shanghai Foreign Investment Commission. From 2002 to 2010, he served as Deputy Director of the Foreign Investment Comprehensive Office, Deputy Director and Director of the Project Management Department and Director of the Foreign Investment Administration Department of the Shanghai Commission of Commerce. From June 2010 to July 2011, Mr. HUANG Feng served as Deputy Chairman of the Shanghai Commission of Commerce. From August 2011 to March 2016, he served as the Deputy Director General of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration, Ministry of Commerce ( MOFCOM) of the People's Republic of China. In May 2019 ,he was elected as Chairman of Shanghai Association of Foreign Investment and he is the sixth Chairman since its establishment.
Mr. HUANG Feng is the Director of Board of Shanghai Pople's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Vice Chairman and Founder of Shanghai International Private Equity Association, Guest Professor of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He holds an M.A. in Economics from Fudan University, MSc Management from Lodon School of Economics and Political Science, and B.A. in World Economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.