WiiTs GG技术方向召集人









Dean of SJTU-UNIDO Joint Institute of Inclusive and Sustainable 

Industrial Development

Deputy Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs

Dean of School of Environmental Science and Engineering of SJTU

Deputy Dean of Research Institute of Carbon Neutrality of SJTU


耿涌院长还是上海市优秀学术带头人、辽宁省首批“十百千高端人才引进工程”人选,沈阳市五一劳动奖章获得者,联合国气候变化委员会第五次及第六次评估报告主要作者(IPCC-AR5/AR6),联合国大学高等研究所客座研究员,联合国工业发展组织国家顾问,联合国区域发展中心固体废物管理专家,联合国环境署生态城项目专家,亚太地区可持续消费与生产圆桌会议董事会成员,中国可持续发展研究会理事,中国应急学会常务理事,国家科技部可持续发展示范区专家,辽宁省发改委低碳经济专家、上海市环境应急管理专家,日本国立环境研究所亚洲环境研究组环境系统研究室客座研究员 。

Mr. GENG Yong is Chair Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, He is also the Winner of the National Hundred and housand Talents Projected Winner of Special Allowance from the State Council,electived leading talent of Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

Mr. GENG Yong is also an outstanding academic leader in Shanghai and a hundred-member project in Liaoning Province. Liaoning Province’s first batch of candidates for the “One Hundred Thousand High-end Talent Introduction Project”winner of the May 1st Labor Medal in Shenyang the main author of the fifth and sixth assessment reports of UNCCC (IPCC-AR5/AR6), and a visiting researcher at UN University Senior Institute, solid waste management expert of UN Regional Development Center, expert of the Eco-city project of UNEP, Member of the Board of Directors of the Roundtable Conference on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Asia-Pacific Region, Director of China Sustainable Development Research Society, Standing Director of China Emergency Response Society, expert of Sustainable Development Demonstration Zone of the Ministry of Science and Technology, low-carbon economy expert of Development and Reform Commission of Liaoning Province, exoert of Shanghai Environmental Emergency Management and visiting researcher of the Environmental System Research Office of Asian Environment Research Group of the National Institute of Environmental Research of Japan.