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        HE Renlong


               Vice Chief Engineer of East China Branch of the China Academy of 

               Information and Communications Technology

贺仁龙先生是中国信息通信院华东分院副总工程师,上海市网络安全与信息化专家、上海市信息化专家委员会委员,他主要从事智慧城市、大数据、人工智能、工业互联网等产业和应用研究,面向企业和政府提供转型升级、模式创新、决策支持等服务 10 余年,并取得了重要的成果:主持承担长三角/上海市的 5G 整体政策编制及场景规划,上海市新型智慧城市顶层设计、浦东城市运行管理中心规划设计,承担了工业互联网标识解析国家节点建设、制造强国工业大数据国家节点的规划设计/建设/运营工作,参与上海市工业互联网协会及上海人工智能发展联盟运营建设。

Mr. HE Renlong is the Deputy chief scientist of East China Branch of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the senior expert for Shanghai Municipal Committee of Cyber Security and Informatization, and a senior member of Shanghai Informatization Expert Committee. His research is mainly concentrated in the technology and applications of smart city, big data, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, etc. In the past ten years, Dr. HE has provided enterprises and governments with services such as transformation and upgrading, model innovation, and decision support, etc. Obviously, he has achieved many important results such as 5G overall policy formulation and scenario planning of Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta, top-level design of Shanghai’s new smart city, the strategic plan of Pudong urban operation management center. He also led the design, construction, and operation of the national node of the Industrial Internet Identifier Resolution System, as well as the national node of “manufacturing power” industrial big data system. He is also actively engaged in the development and operation of the Shanghai Industrial Internet Association and Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Development Alliance.