



     Ian Shih


         Rockwell Automation China President

石安自2018年7月起担任罗克韦尔自动化中国区总裁,负责中国大陆、台湾和香 港的整体业务。他是罗克韦尔自动化中国区首位华裔总裁。石安自2008年加入 罗克韦尔自动化,在中国、北美洲、南美洲和欧洲积累了丰富的跨地域、跨文化 管理经验,期间成功主导公司在华最重要的收购项目之一----收购哈尔滨九洲电 气高压变频器业务。就任中国区总裁后,石安带领团队积极推动智能制造在中国 的落地,支持中国产业的转型升级。 


lan Shih has served as Rockwell Automation China President since July 2018 and is responsible for overall business operations in mainland China.Taiwan and Hong Kong. Ian is the first Chinese President of Rockwell Automation China.Since joining the cumpany in 2008,lan's cxpcricnce of working in China,North America,South Amcrica, Furope and many other regions allows him to professionally deal with cross-regional and cross-cultural challenges.During his tenure,Ian was responsible for leading the acquisition of Ilarbin Jiuzhou Electric Co.,Ltd.'s IIV drive business,one of the most important acquisitions made by Rockwell Automation China.After serving as China President,Ian Shih led the team to promote the implementation of intelligent manufacturing in China and support the transformation and upgrading of Chinese industry. 

Ian Shih holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and a Master of Manufacturing Management(M.M.M.)degree from Pennsylvania State University.