







                 Executive Managing Director, IDEO Asia

Charles Hayes毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院和伦敦艺术大学中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院,并获得相关学位。

Charles 是IDEO合伙人和亚洲区执行总裁,常驻上海,负责开拓IDEO在当地市场的业务,帮助客户运用创新来创造价值和驱动发展。在圣马丁就学期间,他还兼任了副讲师一职。2014年,Charles凭借对创造力、商业和人才培养的重要贡献,获选《快公司》中国评选的“中国商业最具创意人物100”之一。2015年,他被委任为Coursera中国顾问委员会成员。

Charles holds degrees from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, and Central Saint Martins College at the University of the Arts, London.

Charles is a Partner at IDEO, and executive Managing Director of IDEO China. He is also a member of the Asia regional leadership team. Based in Shanghai, Charles leads IDEO’s business in China and works with clients to create value and growth through innovation. He , where he was also an associate lecturer. In 2014, Charles was recognized in FastCompany China magazine as one of 100 Most Creative People in Business for his contribution to creativity, business and nurturing talent. In 2015, he was appointed as a Member of Coursera’s China Advisory Board.