


      卢 刚  

        LU Gang 


               Founded & CEO of Shanghai TechNode Info. & Tach. Ltd.

卢刚先生是英国谢菲尔德大学无线通信技术博士。他是中国在全球科技领域最具影响力的人物之一,其创办的科技媒体平台动点科技TechNode在全球,特别在中国和亚洲科技领域具有很高的知名度和影响力。卢刚博士也是ChinaBang Awards年度中国创新评选发起人,TechCrunch中国创新峰会主办者, 开放式创新的倡导者和践行者。曾任Netvibes亚洲业务发展总监和英国Dialogue通信公司的研发工程师。

Dr. LU Gang earned his PhD in Wireless Communications from the University of Sheffield, UK. He is one of China’s most recognized influencers in the global technology sector, and the company TechNode founded by him is now the leading tech media platform having great impact in global especially Chinese and Asian technology industry. Dr. LU is the pioneer and practitioner of Open Innovation in China, and he also runs ChinaBang Awards, the much respected annual awards for Chinese startups and TechCrunch China Innovation Summit. He worked for Netvibes as the Business Development Director, Asia, and was a R&D Engineer for Dialogue Communications, UK.